Refund Policy

Refund/Return Policy

We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. Due to our products being handmade, all sales items are final and non-refundable. 

All refunds/returns/exchanges for jewelry, and handmade goods are decided on a case-by-case basis. I want you to be thrilled with your purchase & will do what I can to help you be happy.

Refunds/returns/exchanges for other items can be arranged by e-mailing 

Items are entitled to be refunded or returned based on complaint. If an item is unsatisfactory, a written explanation is needed before the item may be considered for a refund. Buyer must take into account the description of the item before requesting a refund. If the item matches the description by the seller and the buyer is unsatisfied, seller is not responsible for refund.


Any complaints (comments/concerns) about items may be sent to . There is no guarantee of a resolution, but again, I'll do my best. 

Custom Orders

I love being able to create a unique, personal item for customers and friends. If you are looking to buy a custom made item, contact me at and we can chat about what you're looking for 

Please note, when I make a custom item it may take some time (one to two weeks) to find the best materials and to make your item perfect. Please allow extra time on production and delivery of custom orders.

You can always contact us for any question at

Damages and issues

Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.